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Don't Be Afraid To Ask For Help

Sometimes when we get into anxiety mode, we start “hyper-functioning”. We try to do/manage everything ourselves.

I think this is because, for me, not being in control is scary. So a good way to compensate for that is to try and control everything I can. But that doesn’t always work either.

I don’t know about you, but I’m much more comfortable giving rather than receiving help. And asking for help is probably my least favorite thing in the world!

But as a Christian, the most obvious source of help for me is God. And at times I’m embarrassed to keep asking for help with the same issues. I sort of feel like he expects me to have figured it out by now. Thank goodness he doesn’t think or react the way I do!

I don’t suffer from an anxiety disorder, but I’ve had a LOT of situational anxiety lately – and it’s not much fun. There’s a song I love called, “I Have to Believe” by Rita Springer. It talks about how God can move mountains in our lives. At times lately I’ve felt like I had a mountain of worry that needed to be moved – so I kept giving it over to God, multiple times.

I’ll be honest, it hasn’t completely gone away yet – but it’s much better.

So if you’re struggling with a mountain of anxiety of your own, don’t feel like you have to move it all yourself. And don’t be afraid to ask for help – even if it’s hard. Ask family, friends, co-workers, God, your dog, whoever. Just be ok with asking.

People usually are pretty good about offering help – it makes them feel good. So don’t deny them that blessing by trying to do everything yourself.

And don’t forget to ask God to help you out – even if it feels like you’re asking every 5 minutes. He’s ok with it.


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